招牌烤魚 Signature Premium Grilled Fish
重慶辣子雞 Chicken Wings Explosive Chili Pepper
70火爆腰花 70 Pork Kideny Hunan Spicy
擂茄子 Mased Pepper Preserved Egg and Eggplant
苗家明爐酸湯雪花薄牛 Slice Beef in Sour Soup
剁椒蒸活魚 Fan Steam Fish with Chipped Pepper
湘味扣肉荷葉包 Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable
酱熗口味魚片 Fish Fillet with House Special Sauce
夫妻肺片 Numbing Spicy Beef Combo
香辣手撕雞 Chicken with Oil
核桃蝦 Fried Walnit Prawns House Cream Sauce
涼拌幹絲 Shredded Tofu Sesame Oil
涼拌黃瓜木耳 Marinated Cucumber Wood Ear Sesame Oil
紅油牛筋 Spicy Red Chili Oil Beef Tenden
金陵鹽水鴨 Nanjing Salty Duck
花生米 Peanuts
紅油牛百葉 Spicy Red Chili Oil Beef Blinds
袋 Bag
鮮筍臘肉 Cured Bamboo Shoot Ham
蒜苗臘肉 Smoked Ham with Garlic Sprouts
香乾臘肉 Smoked Ham Bean Curd
酸豆角肉沫 Ground Pork Stir Fried Pickled Green Beans
絕代雙椒走地雞 Yellow Chicken Special Chill Peppers
辣椒雞蛋 Spicy Crambled Eggs
泡椒雞胗 Chicken Intestine with Pickled Peppers
鐵板梵家雞 Chef Fan's Sizzling Chicken with Basil
大煮乾絲 Chef' Shreded Dried Tofu
巴蜀酸菜魚 Boiled Fish with Sichuan Pickles
辣子魚片 Fried Fish Fillet Explosive Chili Pepper
重慶水煮魚 Chongqing Fish Bowl in Flaming Red Oil
松鼠魚 Squirel Fish
滑蛋蝦仁 Scrambled Egg Shrimp
滑蛋嫩牛 Scrmbled Egg Beef
椒鹽大蝦 Salt Pepper Shrimp
螃蟹 Crab
乾鍋肥腸 Pork Intestine Season Chilies
乾鍋牛筋肚 Beef Tendon Tripe Season Chilies
乾鍋土豆片 Fried Potato Slices Diced Chilies (Vegetarian)
干鍋有機菜花 Organic Cauliflower Season Chilies
乾鍋臘肉菜花 Cauliflower & Smoked Ham w/ 4 Season Chilies
乾鍋豆腐王 Mixed Tofu Sauteed in Huanan Chili Sauce Over Dry Pot
五更腸旺臭豆腐 Spicy Intestines Stinky Tofu
乾鍋蓮藕 Lotus Roots Season Chilies (Vegetarian)
乾煸四季豆 Garlic Green Bean
梵家豆腐 Chef Fan's Sizzling Tofu with Basil
魚香茄子豆腐 Sizzling Eggplant and Tofu w/ Garlic Sauce
上湯大豆苗 Bean Sprouts in Soup Ham Preserved Egg
上湯娃娃菜 Baby Cabbage in Soup Ham Preserved Egg
家常豆腐 House Special Tofu
手撕包菜 Stir Fried Cabbage with Special Hunan Chili Oil
蒜蓉西藍花 Stir Fried Garlic Broccoli
虎椒皮蛋 Grilled Pepper w/ Thousand Years Old Egg (Veg.)
荷塘小炒 Stir-Fry Lotus w/ Vegetable
西芹炒百合 Stir-Fried Celery Chinese Yam Lily Bulbs
烤素菜宴 Grilled Vegetarian Feast
酸辣湯 Hot Sour Soup
西湖牛肉羹 Minced Beef with Egg White Soup
雞粒玉米羹 Corn Soup with Minced Chicken
白飯 Steam Rice
揚州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice
素炒飯 Vegetarian Fried Rice
湖南臘味炒飯 Smoked Ham Fried Rice
騷包炒飯 Bling Bling Fried Rice w/ Shrimp Bef Chicken
酸豆角肉沫米粉 Capers Ground Pork Rice Noodles
騷包炒飯 Beef Rice Noodles w/Hunan Pepper
素炒麺 Vegetarian Chow Mein
特色牛肉麺 Fan's Special Beef Noodles
春卷(8) Vegetarian Spring Rolls (8)
炸芝麻球(8) Fried Sesame Balls (8)
紅糖兹粑(10) Brown Sugar Sticks Rice Balls (10)
醪糟湯圓 Sweet Fermented Rice Balls
白菜猪肉水餃(冷凍) Chinese Cabbage and Pork Dumplings
三鮮水餃(冷凍) Three Fresh Dumplings
猪肉鮮包(冷凍) Pork Buns
牛肉洋葱包(冷凍) Steamed Stuffed Bun with Beef and Onion
啤酒 Coconut Drink
涼茶 Herball Ced Tea
雪碧 Sprite
Diet Coke
Diet Sprite
酸梅湯 Plum Juice
鹽酥雞 Salt Crispy Chicken
陳皮雞 Citrusy Chicken
宮保雞丁 Kung Pao Chicken
蒽爆牛 Beef and Green Onion Stir Fry
芥藍牛 Broccoli Beef
孜然羊 Fried Lamb with Cumin
咕咾肉 Sweet and Sour Pork (Gu Lao Rou)
宮爆蝦球 Kung Pao Shrimp
咖哩雞 Curry Chicken
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